No Avocados Please

No Avocados Please

So I have recently learned that I really did not like avocados but for a purely accidental biological reason. I’m allergic.  I never had a good experience with them but it never occurred to me before that there was a link to each even I ate anything with avocados.

I never really liked avocados to begin with.  I always avoided them and if they were in the food I was eating, I would just push them to the side and not touch them.  However, for the times where I did consume them, I always felt gross after.  For example, one time during an office luncheon, I ate California sushi rolls which I normally don’t like anyway but I wanted to finish what was on my plate so I did.  There were about 5 pieces with some avocado in each piece and I didn’t think much of it because the amount is so small and the taste is masked by everything else in there anyways.  Cut to 3 or 4 hours later, my stomach felt like a perfect storm in there.  My head was burning up. I was so incredibly nauseous that I was running back and forth to the bathroom 5 times in a span of half an hour throwing up until it felt like my stomach couldn’t take anymore because it was so empty.  I was sweating profusely but Read more